
Showing posts from 2014

Look and Learn children's art gallery and competitions

Look and Learn children's art gallery and competitions

What is Child Art? By Anna Reyner

 Art is important for children especially during their early development. Research shows that art activities develop brain capacity in early childhood; in other words, art is good brain food! Art engages children’s senses in open-ended play and develops cognitive, social-emotional and multi-sensory skills. As children progress into elementary school and beyond, art continues to provide opportunities for brain development, mastery, self esteem and creativity. Children love art because it's fun and provides them with authentic self expression: the freedom of choice, thought and feeling. How important is art in a child’s human development? What does a picture tell us about the child who created it? Children’s art is many things to many people. To a parent, art is a display of their child's imagination. To an educator, it's a teaching tool. To a psychologist, art is a way to understand a child's mind. To a grandparent, it's a way to feel conne...

Working with the creative genius of children

 Working with the creative genius of children  By Philip Wells on 18 November 2014, 11:00am It can be easy to forget that a child’s mind works in a wildly-different way to that of an adult. DesignBox Architecture director Philip Wells was reminded of this when he ran a series of creative workshops at a London primary school... Children learn very quickly. Their learning patterns are led by their conceptual thoughts at first, and then by experience as they get older. When children are faced with new challenges, their thinking methods are not confined to established preconceptions of how things should look or work. Instead they are more fluid, often very confident and usually unique. For example, the below series of Monster drawings by Jack (age 3) were presented with a very rational and clear description of what each of the monsters did, identifying all their features, and reasoning behind even differences in colour. As kids get ...

Science Fair Day

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Drawing Development in Children (Self Portrait)

Drawing Development in Children Classroom art activity

Abuja Prep Art in Pics

Landscape Painting, HABIBA SAMBO Yr 6 Creative Hands, MUHAMMED MUSA Yr1 Elements of Art, KHALIFA MUHKTARI SHAGARI Yr1 Colour Scheme, MARYAM JODA Yr6

Water Birds: Child Art Workshop at Abuja Preparatory School


Winners of the 2014 Lufthansa Child Art Competition "FLYING IS FUN"

First Winner: Nneoma Iwuchuchkwu 2014 Lufthansa Child Art Competition at Abuja Preparatory School Second Prize Winner: Sameerah Gumbel Third Prize Winner: Omamuzo Daniel-Obemure

Creative Hands


Portrait Drawing: Abuja Preparatory School Art Class
